The thinkmoney Current Account is here to help you stay on top of your finances. You pay in your income, we’ll keep money for your bills aside, and the rest is yours to spend.
And you can manage it right here on your phone with the all new thinkmoney app.
Use it to check your balance and transactions, see what payments are due for the next 3 months, take action if you’re short for an important payment, send money in seconds, lock your card while you look for it, and so much more.
To add extra security, you need to have facial recognition, a fingerprint, or a passcode set up on your device. If you don’t have security on your device, you’ll see the following message:
‘This application does not run on a device that is jailbroken or does not have a passcode set’
If something doesn’t look right, let us know using the feedback tool in the app. Your feedback will help us make the best banking app out there!
Happy banking!
Rekening Koran thinkmoney ada di sini untuk membantu Anda tetap di atas keuangan Anda. Anda membayar penghasilan Anda, kami akan menyimpan uang untuk tagihan Anda, dan sisanya adalah milik Anda untuk dibelanjakan.
Dan Anda dapat mengelolanya di sini di ponsel Anda dengan semua aplikasi thinkmoney baru.
Gunakan itu untuk memeriksa saldo dan transaksi Anda, lihat pembayaran yang jatuh tempo untuk 3 bulan ke depan, ambil tindakan jika Anda kekurangan pembayaran penting, kirim uang dalam hitungan detik, kunci kartu Anda saat Anda mencarinya, dan banyak lagi .
Untuk menambah keamanan tambahan, Anda perlu mengatur pengenalan wajah, sidik jari, atau kode sandi pada perangkat Anda. Jika Anda tidak memiliki keamanan di perangkat Anda, Anda akan melihat pesan berikut:
‘Aplikasi ini tidak berjalan pada perangkat yang di-jailbreak atau tidak memiliki set kode sandi’
Jika ada yang tidak beres, beri tahu kami menggunakan alat umpan balik di aplikasi. Umpan balik Anda akan membantu kami membuat aplikasi perbankan terbaik di luar sana!
Selamat perbankan!
The thinkmoney Current Account is here to help you stay on top of your finances. You pay in your income, we’ll keep money for your bills aside, and the rest is yours to spend.
And you can manage it right here on your phone with the all new thinkmoney app.
Use it to check your balance and transactions, see what payments are due for the next 3 months, take action if you’re short for an important payment, send money in seconds, lock your card while you look for it, and so much more.
To add extra security, you need to have facial recognition, a fingerprint, or a passcode set up on your device. If you don’t have security on your device, you’ll see the following message:
‘This application does not run on a device that is jailbroken or does not have a passcode set’
If something doesn’t look right, let us know using the feedback tool in the app. Your feedback will help us make the best banking app out there!
Happy banking!